Welcome to Classification of renal tumors
The purpose of this image base is to provide a comprehensive atlas of renal cell carcinoma. It is planned to include all the morphotypes of renal cell neoplasia recognized by the ISUP Vancouver Classification of 2012 and the Fourth Edition of the World Health Organization Classification due for publication in 2016. The image base will contain both common and rare entities and will also include examples of tumors which are considered to be emerging, rather than established morphotypes – due primarily to the limited number of cases that have appeared in the literature. In addition to a detailed presentation of known entities, a number of hitherto unclassifiable tumors, now characterized as Renal Cell Carcinoma: Unclassified, will be included for assessment. It is hoped that this will provide a suitable repository for cases and promote their subsequent classification as novel morphotypes of renal cell neoplasia. Finally a number of tumors of that are not of renal cell origin will also be presented. These will be chosen from cases where the differential diagnosis included one or more of the recognized forms of renal cell neoplasia.
In addition to the classification of tumors the image base will allow for grading of tumors using the new WHO/ISUP Grading Classification in order to promote consistency in grading internationally.