Prostate cancer grading
Grading of prostatic adenocarcinoma: ISUP grade 1 – 5.
Member status: Guest
Open cases: 10
Open cases: 10
Bladder Papillary Lesions
Classification of papillary lesions of the bladder: papilloma, PUNLMP, low-grade and high-grade urothelial carcinoma.
Member status: Guest
Open cases: 10
Open cases: 10
Bladder Flat Lesions
Classification of flat lesions of the bladder: reactive atypia, atypia/dysplasia, carcinoma in situ.
Member status: Guest
Open cases: 9
Open cases: 9
Classification of renal tumors
Diagnosis of subtypes of renal tumors
Member status: Guest
Open cases: 13
Open cases: 13