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Case ID: 315

Publication date: 11 Mar, 2025

Consensus grade: PUNLMP

User Diagnosis Difficulty Comment
Pathologist 1 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 2 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 3 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 4 Papilloma Borderline lower

selected papilloma because I think not malignant!!

Pathologist 5 Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (LG-PUC) Typical
Pathologist 6 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 7 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 8 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 9 PUNLMP Borderline higher

versus papillary urothelial hyperplasia

Pathologist 10 PUNLMP Borderline lower
Pathologist 11 PUNLMP Bordering on higher

No specific comment.

Pathologist 12 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 13 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 14 Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (LG-PUC) Typical
Pathologist 15 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 16 Papilloma Bordering on higher
Pathologist 17 Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (LG-PUC) Bordering on lower
Pathologist 18 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 19 Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (LG-PUC) Bordering on higher

pTa LG but PUNLMP considerng the edema could maybe be discussed

Pathologist 20 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 21 PUNLMP Typical
Pathologist 22 Low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma (LG-PUC) Bordering on higher
Pathologist 23 PUNLMP Typical

Case description (by case creator):

Hyperplastic urothelium with endophytic growth pattern and lack of cytological atypia.