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Case ID: 124

Publication date: 18 Mar, 2025

Consensus grade: Atypia/dysplasia

User Diagnosis Difficulty Comment
Pathologist 1 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 2 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 3 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 4 Reactive atypia Typical
Pathologist 5 Reactive atypia Typical
Pathologist 6 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 7 Atypia/dysplasia Typical

before 2016 I would have called it hyperplasia :-)

Pathologist 8 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline higher
Pathologist 9 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline higher
Pathologist 10 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 11 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline lower
Pathologist 12 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher

No specific comment.

Pathologist 13 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 14 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on lower
Pathologist 15 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 16 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 17 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 18 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 19 Reactive atypia Bordering on lower
Pathologist 20 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher

Bordering on reactive atypia vs low grade dysplasia : No significant inflammation noted: not sufficeint for CIS; I may get CK 20 and look for full thickness staining to confirm low grade urothelial dysplasia.

Pathologist 21 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on lower
Pathologist 22 Atypia/dysplasia Typical

Case description (by case creator):

Flat lesion