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Case ID: 80

Publication date: 18 Mar, 2025

Consensus grade: Atypia/dysplasia

User Diagnosis Difficulty Comment
Pathologist 1 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 2 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline higher
Pathologist 3 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 4 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 5 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 6 Atypia/dysplasia Typical

Needs IHCH, Images og IHCH without antibody do not help...

Pathologist 7 Atypia/dysplasia Typical
Pathologist 8 Atypia/dysplasia Typical

what kind of immuno is this??

Pathologist 9 Reactive atypia Typical
Pathologist 10 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline higher
Pathologist 11 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline higher
Pathologist 12 Atypia/dysplasia Borderline lower
Pathologist 13 Reactive atypia Typical

No specific comment.

Pathologist 14 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 15 Reactive atypia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 16 Carcinoma in situ (CIS) Typical
Pathologist 17 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 18 Reactive atypia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 19 Carcinoma in situ (CIS) Bordering on lower
Pathologist 20 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher

Though diffuse CK20 positivity, nuclei not high-grade enouth

Pathologist 21 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher
Pathologist 22 Atypia/dysplasia Bordering on higher

Case description (by case creator):

The first two images illustrate normal urothelium for comparison. There is a granuloma in the lamina propria, consistent with BGC therapy. The other images illustrate flat urothelium that shows variable loss of polarity and nuclear aytpia with enlargement and some hyperchromasia. CK20 immunohistochemistry shows diffuse full thickness positivity in the urothelium.